3 First-Time Self-Publishing Mistakes to Avoid

Finishing NaNoWriMo in 2008 felt like digging my fingers into the earth and flipping over a mountain. I grit my teeth until they chipped and I shaved years off my life expectancy.

Or at least that’s what it felt like, and with good reason. After twenty days of non-stop writing I put down fifty thousand words, more than anything I’d ever done before. The momentum was such that I wrote another sixty thousand by December 20th and completed the first draft of my novel MUTEKI – Sendero de los Campeones (Road of Champions). It was a suitable title for a project that almost singlehandedly rescued me from the pits of depression. In my mind I was a champion.

Or at least I was until I published the book and everything went to hell in a handbasket.

The aftermath of publishing my first NaNo novel in 2011 was a nightmare, a crime scene, a horror story. And that’s okay. I was exploring new territory, after all. Just as I was stumbling and fumbling through those first words on November 1st, 2008, I was stumbling and fumbling again as I faced new challenges.

So what went wrong? What was so catastrophic?

Find out at Amazon Author Insights.
