The Quick and Easy Guide to Fiction Content Marketing

There’s a widespread misbelief that content marketing is only for nonfiction. identifies content marketing as:
“Marketing that tries to attract customers by distributing informational content potentially useful to the target audience, rather than by advertising products and services in the traditional way.”
That emphasis on “information” makes it sound like content marketing is only for authors of information-based books. Not so. Inspiration, entertainment, story, poetry: all can benefit from a content marketing plan.

Orna succinctly explains some of the ways novelists and short story writers can use content marketing:

“Content marketing for fiction typically includes extracts, quotes, behind-the-books information on settings or characters or plot points… or you, the author, why you were inspired to write, its themes and what they mean to you, other books (or TV, music, cinema etc) that influenced the book etc. You could link to a nice giveaway (an extract or related story that stands alone) with email sign up link. Or, if you prefer, a book buy link to capture your audience.

Read the rest of article at Alliance of Independent Authors
